Our story…

2020 has been an extraordinary year for the entire world. It also changed many people's lives, some for the better and some unfortunately for the worst. The events of 2020 made us realize that there is so much to be thankful for, but also so much to fight for. We have a passion for high-quality products that lasts you a lifetime. Products that make your lifestyle easier, and better and raise the quality of your life. We soon realized that there are so many people around the world who offer these types of products, but might not have the visibility or the exposure. This is where we come in. Another thing about us is that we love people and we love helping people. We approached and collaborated with some of thes top South African Leather handbag suppliers to bring you the highest quality leather products.

We started with distributing handbags, but this is ever-developing, so keep an eye out for what’s to come.